Treat hair fall with natural hair loss treatments
Hair fall is a commonly faced problem and affects mostly every one. It is normal for humans to lose about 100 strands of hair daily but if you notice excess loss of hair then it is really a concern. Many people feel hair fall issues cannot be solved by means of hair loss treatment products. It is common to get frustrated after spending so much money on futile hair loss remedies that leave behind nothing but side effects. In real, hair loss treatments are of two categories; Natural hair loss treatments as well as chemical treatments.
Natural treatments for hair loss are very effective and have the benefit of no side effects. Of course they may not show instantaneous results but are effective in reducing hair fall.
Here are some such hair natural hair loss treatments:
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is said to give healthy hair and prevent hair loss since long and Native Americans, Indians and Caribbeans have used it for years. Aloe Vera stabilizes the pH of your scalp and heals it from within. Additionally, the herb also efficiently cleanses pores. Use Aloe Vera gel along with coconut milk and a little amount of wheat germ oil as a shampoo to stop hair loss
2. Jojoba
If you are suffering with hair problems, such as psoriasis, eczema or dandruff, then prefer using jojoba oil. Mexicans and Native Americans use jojoba oil to put off hair loss and to get rid of dandruff for centuries. Jojoba oil works wonders for skin types that are hypoallergenic as they possess good amounts of moisturizer. This oil is considered as one of the best hair fall treatment products.
3. Henna
Henna is a conventional Indian herb that works as a good natural conditioner as well as a great hair loss treatment product. It cures your hair shaft by sealing the cuticle and repairing it. Henna stops breakage of hair and restores the silky and shiny effect of your hair.
4. Capsicum
Yes don’t be surprised, this vegetable can work as a great natural hair loss treatment. It encourages your hair growth by about 50 percent and increases the circulation of blood in your scalp thereby improving new hair growth and preventing hair loss.
5. Lemongrass
This herb helps to stabilize formation of oil in your scalp. Additionally, it provides nourishment to your hair and scalp. You can also massage your scalp with lemongrass oil.
However, if you are doubtful of which hair loss procedure to use consult your doctor in this regard and ask which treatment will be most suitable for you.