10 tips to prevent hair loss in women

Hair loss is a common and most prevalent problem among women these days. Most women suffer from the FPB (Female Pattern Baldness) that has its own set of adverse consequences. Many experience hair fall due to anxiety, genetic predisposition, stress as well as hormonal fluctuations. Some do face hair loss issues during the menopause stages.

Here are some measures that can help to prevent hair loss and facilitate thickened hair growth:

  • Get yourself a good scalp massage by means of hygienic and safe oil. Apply oil onto your scalp and massage properly to get rid of the dead skin as well as dirt and dust deposits that block the growth of healthy and thick hair.
  • Before every shampoo make sure that you massage your hair with oil. Prefer shampoos with sufficient cream and also the ones that have natural ingredients. Such shampoos do not leave behind any kind of residues on your scalp and also makes the hair follicles strong and tough.
  • Avoid strongly tying your hair up as this can have adverse effects on the scalp and hair follicles. Never restrict your hair. Try to manage with ponytails as much as you can.
  • Avoid exposing hair to the chemical processing procedures, such as straight ironing, curling irons, highlighting, straightening, perming, excessive blow drying as well as coloring. Refrain from exposing hair to chemicals and too much heat. Doing this will only weaken your hair follicles and its internal structure. It also irritates and leads to dry scalp, weakening the hair roots with each passing day.
  • Consume foods that are rich in vitamins and iron. Some of the richest sources of proteins and vitamins include eggs, brewer’s yeast and several other malted foods.
  • Consider going for effective treatments that combat hair loss in women. Biotin and Zinc helps to effectively fight for genetic as well as hormonal hair loss.
  • Avoid using products that have alcohol, hence it is important that you check the list of ingredients before considering any hair product.
  • If you cannot manage your long hair properly it is recommended to get your hair shortened from a good salon.
  • Always remember to handle your hair with caution and care, especially when it is wet. Your hair is very fragile when in the wet state and hence they are more vulnerable to breakage.
  • If you are a smoker then it is better to quit smoking. Smoking reduces the circulation of blood in the body and also prevents the nutrients from reaching the hair roots.

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