How Vodka and Wine Makes Hair and Skin Shine

Research reveals that the ingredients in our favorite alcoholic drink can be beneficial for our skin and hair too. More and more beauty companies are incorporating extracts from popular drinks like champagne, beer, vodka, cider and wine into their formulations, and the following are the reasons why.

The grape extracts from champagne provide antioxidant protection from the free radicals which can prematurely age skin. They also help balance out uneven pigmentation. Where beer is concerned, the proteins from beer hops help add volume to hair, boosting shine and even stopping frizz. Hops can have antibacterial, astringent and toning properties on the skin too Vodka on the other hand works to tone, brighten, cleanse and polish the skin. It’s often also used when creating perfume. It stabilizes a perfume’s scent. Next, cider helps to keep our hair clean from pollution by stripping away dirt. It can help clean away the build-up in hair caused by pollution and lime from hard water. Its alcohol based so will strip the hair of impurities. Try it before you have a colour to clear out build-up. Wine, which is already beneficial for our hearts, is the most powerful antioxidant.

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