Easy tips for tackling winter dandruff
If your problem of dandruff aggravates during the winter, causing you much distress, then you are not alone. Dry and itchy scalp with uncontrollable dandruff is common during winters. The cold weather is harsh and our scalp suffers the most.
Healthy diet for luxurious hair
Glowing skin and luminous hair – quintessential for looking like a thousand dollars this festive season! While you can cheat the ‘flawless skin’ look with clever make-up, there is not much you can do to make your hair look radiant if it is not naturally so. With the festive season already upon us, it is time you trimmed those split ends and started a hair-care regime to give your hair the much needed boost.
Top nutritional foods for healthy tresses
What will be your reaction when one morning you see strands of curls on the pillow? Of course, you will panic. Well, instead of panicking and wasting your money on expensive hair products, it is good to treat your tresses naturally.
Signals your hair needs a redo
It generally takes a jerk to take any initiative towards improvising our look. However, anything done forcefully is definitely not worth. If you desire to stand out in the crowd or want to flaunt a different look in your friend’s party, it is time you get a hair makeover.
There are several signals that you need a hair makeover. Read below to know:
Get your dream hair, naturally!
Rains, heat, and cold come and go, but hair issues are consistent. It has long been and still the biggest concern for females. So much so that it has worst effects on individual’s self-esteem.
Bid adieu to dandruff naturally!
Dandruff is white flakes on the scalp, which is often embarrassing and annoying. This problem is experienced generally during the winter or as the raindrops fall on the head. Dandruff causes irritation, itching sensation, and redness of the scalp.
Ways to get long hair, decoded!
While we may dream of having long shining hair like the models in shampoo ads have, not all may fulfill their dream. The reason being the time and effort that would be required in growing a long and lustrous mane.
Go natural for healthy hair!
Glossy locks are every woman’s dream, but not many have it. Lifestyle plays a pivotal role in your hair care. Natural curls care is essential for a stout growth.
Your hair care demands a change in the diet plan, and your routine lifestyle. A good diet must contain foods rich in vitamin, protein, and iron. Regular exercise, hygienic living conditions, and self-cleanliness are all vital for good curl growth.
Solve your hair dilemmas: Forever
A number of factors could trigger hair loss, such as poor environmental and weather condition, unhealthy diet pattern etc. Proper nourishment is required to keep it healthy and glowing. Experts have blamed excessive usage of hair dryer, flat ironing, and highlighting as the cause of dry curls.
Know the repercussions of different hairstyles
Hairstyling is quite a popular trend among young girls these days. Celebrities have massively inspired a number of hair styles. Most females follow celebrity trends blindly without knowing that celebrities consult some of the best hair consultants and use best hair products. We fall prey to the stylish hair looks and decide to try on ours without giving a second thought to the negative impacts it may cause to our hair. Listed below are some of the common hair mistakes people fall prey to.